
Deutsch-Ukrainische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK Ukraine)

Sommerfest der AHK Ukraine am 04. Juli 2024

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STEP Ukraine - Succesful Tenders and Procurement

Together with the Agency for Business and Development (AWE) AHK Ukraine is launching the STEP Ukraine (Successful Tenders and Procurement) project aimed at a detailed analysis of current tender projects and projects of international financial institutions and international organisations. We will arrange a series of monthly online Deep Dive sessions with international and Ukrainian experts and practitioners. What we offer:
Successful tendering requires early information on tenders and background as well as local contacts, including details on the content and access to the tendering institutions. We help to understand the opportunities, provide additional information and help to establish contacts.     Intel on upcoming business opportunities through tendered projects  for your sector,     Condensed summaries of selected projects     Exchange with government officials, international experts and finance institutions,     Leads and coaching on tender process by AHK,     Direct access to important stakeholders like DEG, GIZ, GTAI, EIB etc.     Free of charge program for small, medium or larger companies Register here.

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AHK Ukraine Talk 23.05.2024: Meet Oliver Gierlichs

 AHK Ukraine Talk 23.05.2024: Meet Oliver Gierlichs

The members of the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry have elected Oliver Gierlichs, CEO of Bayer Ukraine, as the new president of the chamber in March. 
We invite you to get to know Oliver and discuss German-Ukrainian relations and the chamber’s development and strategy during our next AHK Ukraine Talk.

 We will speak at AHK Ukraine’s studio in Kyiv and broadcast via Zoom on 23 May between 8.30 – 9.00 am / 9.30 – 10.00 am (Berlin / Kyiv time). 

Oliver and I have agreed on the following subjects:  Bayer in Ukraine – a success story since 1992 Ukraine – a place to do business in?  AHK Ukraine‘s strategy for the future
We invite participants to join the discussion using the chat function.

We hope that you can join us for the AHK Ukraine Talk. 

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Together with the Agency for Business and Development (AWE) AHK Ukraine is launching the STEP Ukraine (Successful Tenders and Procurement) project aimed at a detailed analysis of current tender projects and projects of international financial institutions and international organisations. We will arrange a series of monthly online Deep Dive sessions with international and Ukrainian experts and practitioners.

What we offer:
Successful tendering requires early information on tenders and background as well as local contacts, including details on the content and access to the tendering institutions. We help to understand the opportunities, provide additional information and help to establish contacts.

  •     Intel on upcoming business opportunities through tendered projects  for your sector,
  •     Condensed summaries of selected projects
  •     Exchange with government officials, international experts and finance institutions,
  •     Leads and coaching on tender process by AHK,
  •     Direct access to important stakeholders like DEG, GIZ, GTAI, EIB etc.
  •     Free of charge program for small, medium or larger companies

Register here.


Технологічні зміни в закупівлях і ланцюгах постачання не стоять на місці. Запрошуємо вас на вебінар, щоб більше дізнатись про можливості цифрової трансформації та впровадження технологічних рішень в українських та міжнародних компаніях.

Дмитро Пташник з МХП розповість про цифрову трансформацію та впровадження SAP Ariba, Ігор Лисенко з Медичних Закупівель України – про інтеграцію продуктів SAP з іншими цифровими рішеннями. Ліза Мостипан з SAP Ariba в Чехії порекомендує, як найкраще використовувати цей продукт для роботи з постачальниками. А Марина Трепова з IPSM поділиться враженнями від SAP Spend Connect Innovation Day.

Де: онлайн, в форматі вебінару.

Дата проведення: 5 червня 2024 року

Час: 10:00 – 11:30 за Київським часом. Реєстрація обов’язкова, за посиланням.

Більше інформаціїї по івенту за посиланням.

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Online-Sitzung des Ausschusses für Steuern und Rechnungslegung in Hybridformat


Sommerfest der AHK Ukraine am 04. Juli 2024


Digitale Geschäftsanbahnung: Wiederaufbau der kritischen Energieinfrastruktur und eines erneuerbaren Energiesystems


Online-Sitzung des Ausschusses für Steuern und Rechnungslegung in Hybridformat


STEP Ukraine - Succesful Tenders and Procurement

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