Новорічний прийом

  • Event

30/01/2025, Київ ‒ Новорічний прийом


Over 200 representatives from member companies gathered for our New Year’s Reception at the Fairmont hotel in Kyiv last week. Networking, discussions and the atmosphere were great. Thank you to Oliver Gierlichs, President of AHK Ukraine, Dr. Tim Prange, Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy, Robert Kirchner, manager and Authorised Signatory at Berlin Economics and Halyna Yanchenko, Member of Parliament for their contributions in our debate on the prospects for 2025. 

A special thank you to Tetyana Novytska, FCCA, for presenting the charity initiative "Children of Heroes". 

And, of course, a big thank you to our Gold Sponsor Knauf and our Music Sponsor Würth Ukraine

Event Sponsor


  • Knauf


  • https://wurth.ua/

Контактна особа

  • Тетяна Слюсарчук

    Тетяна Слюсарчук

    Керівник відділуРобота з фірмами-членами палати, події, комунікація


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